Let me start the first post of the Month by the Quote from Martin Luther King ...
ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort
and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and
controversy " - Martin Luther King, Jr.
While the so called Action Hero of CTVA (Jack) is missing and avoiding all his customers , and the deputy is working his magic in giving all the excuses in guise of Managing the account , poor customers are caught in between the Never Meeting Commitments of the existing Managers vs their day to day activities and trust on the system to deliver the promises being in hung state .....
So what is Happening in time of Chaos ....
Surprisingly, customers got hold of our blog through connections, and in last fortnight , there are more than 15+ customers ( unique ) sending mails to this Blog account asking for more insider information from the employees union fighting mgmt.
Quoting one of the oldest Client of Connectiva , "Hi Employees, I am sure you know me considering we worked together for the last few years on the XXXX account together. While i am in constant touch with your company to understand the latest state of affairs and how far will this problem of Connectiva will continue, we hardly get any clear responses from the people on the call. Tired of listening to excuses and receiving project plans which are never adhered to from Acct Team, we forced Avi to join our calls , which has also not made much difference ". I am writing after going through the blog site , to see if you have any insider information on state of affairs giving me some clarity. On a personal level i sympathize with you all and wish that you do get success and Connectiva turns the corner making it good for both you and us.
We humbly thank all the customers who are informally supporting us, and we are also not AGAINST Connectiva going down, we wish and would like to have the Company bounce back and help your cause and our cause. Our issue is the way the entire thing was handled and at the right time Management not being transparent to all employees. Our wishes are still there to see a positive outcome, but with the greed and money in minds even today , the solution seems to be too far from reality. Even today in Connectiva Kolkata we have more than 6+ FINANCE STAFF and 4+ Account Management people doing WHAT ? I believe they are still trying to find the lost money ...hunt is on for the bounty ...
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