Thursday, 31 May 2012

The DEAL is Signed...

Hello Everyone,

The news never stops , making it a busy day for posting the content right before weekend .

As per the latest report , last night (31st May 2012 ) the deal between Connectiva and Mara-ISON is inked , signed and sealed.

While the official message is going to be coming only after the founders/loyalists get their goodies , favours taken care but for the world hopefully who are following this blog, the news is a breaking news.

What more as per the earlier blog (
the nitty gritty details did take some time to come up with the final agreed stuff.

The best being CTVA as entities will remain for legalities, and the new company is been named as "MARIZON".

Keep you posted...

After Financial Torture, Emotional Torture Continues ....

Hi Everyone,

What is more upsetting now a days is the way the CTVA + Mara – ISON team is working hand in glove to ensure they do not leave any stone unturned in harassing/torturing their existing staff and also the past employees. Looks they are working on the emotional angle now following the leads from CIA movies etc

Let me tell you how..

1.       First most of the staff who left or stuck with CTVA were not paid atleast Quarter of the yearly salary ( 3-4 months ).
2.       Then their taxes , PF are not yet deposited, while few lucky ones made it into the tax/PF system ( 0.1%).
3.       Now most of them are coming of in their new jobs, healing their wounds, while keeping the fight on with the system, CTVA MAFIA and their supporters in recovering the dues.

So where is the harassment coming into play … here it comes…

1.       Recently over the last 2-3 weeks CTVA+MARA-ISON jointly is making frantic efforts to call all the ex-employees and luring them with a 25% minimal raise.
2.       That is not all, the key members are sent with the offer letter , with a blank number , giving a range and asking them to come back and participate in the revival of CTVA.
3.       The company and their loyal guards , are even going to extent of offering jobs OUTSIDE INDIA for the employees located in INDIA, and incentivizing them to take it up ASAP.
4.       While in all the above context, there is NO MENTION , still of the outstanding historical payments .. isn’t that more than torture ..or shall I quote an Hindi saying “Jaley pey Namak ..” translating it to” Salt on wounds…. “

So why so much meherbaani ( benevolence …) been thrown up on the ex-staffers, few insider data again…

1.       CTVA has lost good amount of customer base, or shall I say customers are not paying / renewing the contracts for MS, Support etc.
2.       Recent lost accounts are NAWRAS ( Oman ), ASIACELL ( IRAQ), UMOBILE ( Malaysia ), VIVA (BAHRAIN), VIDEOTRON ( Canada), ELION ( Europe), NEXTEL ( USA), T-MOBILE ( GERMANY) .. all in the last few months. Few of the above accounts were as old as the company itself.
3.       This makes the new investors / buyers ( I really doubt if any money was paid , except bailing out the founders / loyalists of their personal debts ) a bit wary on long term play.
4.       Considering Mara-ISON is purely a Services firm, now venturing into Product, they have all the right to protect their interests ( no issue in them thinking the way they are ).
5.       Also there is a big threat for other customers to follow the same exit strategy, ie do not ask anything more from CTVA, freeze the system as is, and wait for alternative…
6.       In some cases, CTVA customers have already asked the competitors to Manage the CTVA system and eventually replace it with their system which the new Mgmt would never want to…

So its makes all sense for the CTVA to push , pull, threat and do all its necessary to get the old timers even atleast for next 6 months , so they get out of mess and then leave the employees back into “DARKNESS”…


Saturday, 12 May 2012

Mama.. Who took the cream from the churn...

Dear All,

While it may have taken a while for posting further progress on the fate of Connectiva , i am sure reading the blog will give you reasons for the delay.  All i can say any undercover discussion and data gathering does take time....

So what is making NEWS for Connectiva Followers ?

While the Management ( CEO is the only one left ) is still not confirmed the sale of Connectiva to Mara-Ison ( , but they did acknowledge the discussions have reached to a very mature stage and at any time the transaction is going to be closed.

Wondering why its taking so long to sign the deal, even when there are people from Mara-Ison at our Kolkata office , and few calls been made to ex-colleagues , to be part of revival ...

Few closed door confessions from the informed lot are as below....

a. Connectiva and Mara-Ison  ownership is working on "How not to pay the old staff " and yet retain the glory of the company.

b. Our good founding members and their closely knitted followers are working to see how to clear their personal debts as part of this transaction ... I do not want to name what personal debts but i am sure everyone is aware being in Kolkata what is mortgaged for Connectiva ....

So what is coming out of the pot ....

a. Connectiva India will still exists as a legal entity , carrying only the debt of all the creditors....WOW ..
b. Connectiva founders and so called following lot , will be well taken care in this transaction to avoid any personal financial losses.
c. Connectiva USA will also exist as to only carry the debt and to answer to all the legal suits raised ..

I am sure by now you can realize who took the cream from the churn is an apt title for the blog...

So my dear fellow colleagues , rest assured except PF & TAX we are going to get nothing but a big "Thumbs Up " , and our dear Management will be basking on an Hawaii Island ...

So if there are still more people willing to believe the story of revival and 20% hike as promised on the phone calls received , just think before you take a plunge. Given as of today even the April 2nd installment salary is not made to few banks , how  can we take the promises as serious and compromise to our future...

Once again .. will keep you posted this time with more insider info.. stay tuned....